遼陽鍛壓機床股份有限公司始建于1936年,五十年代初已經研發出雙盤摩擦壓力機,歷經八十六年的發展壯大,遼鍛已成為一個集產品研發、生產制造、品質管控和銷售經營于一體的現代化公司,主要生產電動螺旋壓力機、電動螺旋壓磚機、鍛壓自動化配套設備、壓磚自動化配套設備。公司占地220余畝,員工240余人,擁有技術研發中心,是遼寧省高新技術企業和省級企業技術中心。公司先后通過了ISO9001質量管 理體系認證,ISO14001環境體系認證,ISO45001職業健康管理體系認證。遼鍛,有著完善的銷售和售后服務體系,為客戶提供及時、高效、優質的售后服務,協助客戶進行操作及維護等技術培訓,遼鍛人始終堅持“質量第一、用戶至上、互惠互利、合作共贏”......【詳細內容】

由遼鍛生產的LDA53系列有色金屬多工位數控螺旋壓力機是利用飛輪存儲的能量通過螺桿滑塊的傳遞,最終使工件成型的鍛壓設備。本機適用于工件的熱態模鍛、鐓粗、折彎、預鍛、終鍛、切邊等多工序、多工位的專業壓機。廣泛適用于國際250動車機組、國際350動車機組、乘用車、商用車、工程機械、航空航天領域的各種配件的制作與加工。本機采用開關磁阻電動機進行控制,具有結構簡單、維護方便、產品成型重復精度高、高效節能、自動化程度高,具有工藝參數記憶功能,可儲存八種鍛件的工藝參數并具有班產統計功能,安全性高等特點。 LDA53 series non-ferrous metals multi-station CNC electric screw press developed by Liao Duan is a forging equipment that uses the energy stored in the flywheel to transfer through the screw slider to finally shape the workpiece.This machine is suitable for multi-process and multi-station professional presses such as hot die forging, upsetting, bending, pre-forging, final forging and trimming of workpieces. It is widely used in the production and processing of various accessories in the international 250 EMUs, international 350 EMUs, passenger cars, commercial vehicles, engineering machinery, and aerospace fields.
遼鍛自主研發的LD53系列電動螺旋壓力機廣泛適用于航空、船舶、火車、乘用車、工程機械、農用機械等行業中的熱態模鍛、精鍛和精整。具有控制先進、高效節能、運行安全、操作簡便、成品質量穩定、維護工作量小等多種特點。 LD53 series electric screw press independently developed by Liao Duan is widely used in hot die forging, precision forging and finishing in aviation, shipbuilding, trains, passenger cars, construction machinery, agricultural machinery and other industries. It has many characteristics such as advanced control, high efficiency and energy saving, safe operation, simple operation, stable quality of finished products, and small maintenance workload
遼鍛自主研發的LDE67系列電動螺旋壓力機廣泛適用于生產粘土磚、鎂磚、鎂碳磚、水口磚、剛玉磚、尖晶石磚、鋁磚、焦油磚、滑板磚等多種耐火磚,產品具有工作臺面寬、滑塊行程大、裝模高度高的優點,采用分體預應力機身結構,剛度好、強度高,采用開關磁阻電機驅動系統,性能穩定、啟動扭矩大、電流小、節能環保,采用PLC程控系統,產品一致性好,運行安全平穩、操作維護方便,噪聲低。 LDE67 series electric screw press independently developed by Liao Forging is widely used in the production of various refractory bricks, such as clay bricks, magnesia bricks, magnesia carbon bricks, nozzle bricks, corundum bricks, spinel bricks, aluminum bricks, tar bricks, skateboard bricks, etc. The product has the advantages of wide working table, large slide stroke, and high mold installation height. It adopts a split prestressed body structure, which has good rigidity and high strength. It adopts a switched reluctance motor drive system, stable performance, large starting torque, and current Small, energy-saving and environmentally friendly, using PLC program control system, good product consistency, safe and stable operation, convenient operation and maintenance, and low noise.?
LD69系列數控復合式電動螺旋壓磚機廣泛適用于生產粘土磚、鎂磚、鎂碳磚、水口磚、剛玉磚、尖晶石磚、鋁磚、焦油磚、滑板磚等多種耐火磚,特別適用于滑板磚的成型。 LD69 series numerical control compound electric screw press is widely used in the production of various refractory bricks such as clay bricks, magnesia bricks, magnesia? carbon bricks, nozzle bricks, corundum bricks, spinel bricks, aluminum bricks, tar bricks, skateboard bricks, etc. Suitable for forming skateboard tiles.
?LDS67系列數控電動螺旋壓磚機是針對耐火行業特點,為耐火行業量身研制的耐火材料成型專用設備,在充分研究國內外電動螺旋壓力機的基礎上,結合耐火行業的工藝特點,通過多次結構設計、改進和完善而成的遼鍛第三代電動產品。 1.采用雙電機驅動、新型結構,具有封閉高度大、工作臺面寬、螺桿螺母受力狀態好等多種優點。 具有控制先進、高效節能、運行安全、操作簡便、成品質量穩定、維護工作量小等多種特點。 2.采用PLC可編程程序控制器對兩臺開關磁阻電機進行控制,并配有人機界面,可根據制造工藝和成型精度設置打擊力。 3.適用于壓制粘土磚、鎂磚、鎂碳磚、水口磚、剛玉磚、尖晶石磚、鋁磚、焦油磚、滑板磚等多種耐火磚。
遼鍛最新研發的LDS54系列電動螺旋精壓機是專門針對精鍛和餐具制造業特點而設計開發的專用節能型設備,適用于鈦合金葉片及其他葉片的精密鑄造,特別適用于各種復合底器皿,能夠壓制大型、小型、圓形、橢圓型多種復合底。LDS54系列電動螺旋精壓機采用先進的PLC可編程程序控制器進行控制,在節能、打擊力的精確控制等多方面優于傳統螺旋精壓機。 LDS54 series electric screw precision press independently developed by Liao Duan is a special energy-saving equipment specially designed and developed for the characteristics of precision forging and tableware manufacturing. It is suitable for precision casting of titanium alloy blades and other blades, and is especially suitable for various composite bottoms. Utensils, can press large, small, round, oval and multiple composite bottoms.The LDS54 series electric screw precision press is controlled by an advanced PLC programmable program controller, which is superior to the traditional spiral precision press in many aspects such as energy saving and precise control of the impact force.
Liao Duan has been committed to improving the striking ability and equipment quality of electric screw presses. In 2019, through thorough research on advanced technologies at home and abroad, combined with Liao Duan’s years of experience in designing electric screw products, it developed the LDS53 series of CNC electric Screw press, the product uses advanced technical means such as three-dimensional modeling, finite element analysis, big data acquisition, digital simulation, etc. in the design process to optimize the product structure and improve the performance. It is widely used in hot die forging, precision forging and finishing in aviation, shipbuilding, train, passenger car, construction machinery, agricultural machinery and other industries. The LDS53 series CNC electric screw press has advantages that other products of the same type cannot compare.
ZC1000自動上料機是與1000系列壓磚機配套使用的自動稱量、上料、取磚的專用設備。 1.具有稱量精度高、可打磚型多、周期短、效率高等特點。該裝置集自動稱量、上料、模腔潤滑、取磚與一身。單臺設備可節約2-3個人工,可大大降低人工成本。 2.采用高精度傳感器,稱量斗配有多重減震裝置,稱量精度可達到0.03%。 3.上料模式分為單腔模式與雙腔模式、兩種模式適用于不同磚型。兩種模式快換時間小于30min。 4.稱量、布料在壓磚機壓磚時進行,不會加長等待周期。 5.稱量分為快速加料,中速加料,精加料三種加料方式,在保證精度的同時,加快了稱量效率。 6.在稱量時皮帶車會前后移動下料,可以有效避免因物料流動造成的偏析現象。 7.送料、取磚同步進行,周期約7S。 8.該裝置配用23bit編碼器的高精度伺服電機、位置誤差小于1mm。
電話:0419-2125717 / 0419-2123628

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